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Keep Your Trucks Rolling Right

Schedule fleet maintenance services in Rochelle, Rockford, Chicago & Belvidere, IL areas

There's no need to worry about which truck needs service. Decker 24 Hour Truck & Trailer, Inc. offers fleet maintenance services in Belvidere, Illinois.

We take care of large fleets of Class 8 trucks and trailers so you know your equipment is ready for the road. We'll make sure to get approval before getting started on any repairs. We stock parts for larger vehicles so we can make prompt repairs. You'll receive a discounted rate for fleet maintenance services.

Contact Decker 24 Hour Truck & Trailer, Inc. today for truck maintenance in Rochelle, Rockford, Chicago & Belvidere, IL areas.

Get monthly or quarterly maintenance

Get your vehicles on a regular schedule so you can rest easy knowing that they're receiving professional truck maintenance services. We schedule services such as:

  • Annual inspections
  • Monthly or quarterly service
  • Preventive maintenance inspections
  • Oil changes

Our location is 6.5 acres that our customer's store and park equipment, including trucks and trailers. The area is under 24-hour video surveillance.

Schedule fleet maintenance services in the Belvidere, IL and Rochelle, IL area by contacting Decker 24 Hour Truck & Trailer today.

Contact us now to get a free estimate
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